PW McCallum Roofing

roofing contractor located in beautiful Shawnigan Lake BC  


PW McCallum Roofing

roofing contractor located in beautiful Shawnigan Lake BC  

PW McCallum Roofing Reviews

I decided to write an informative brog post regarding reviews true and false. Trolls are common on the web these days. It seems as soon as you get any sort of web presents, trolls show up. Problem with today’s review sites is anyone can write anything with no regard for the truth or anything resembling it. We do not respond to these people as it is the attention they seek. In some instances we have successfully sued these trolls for slander liable content. I’ve noticed we are not alone with this problem. If you’re coinciding a new roof read our real reviews or ask for a call list. We have a large list of happy recent and old customers that would be only too happy to tell you of their experience.

Believe me if you installed a roof that leaked and you didn’t repair replace it, people would take you too court not write a review.  If you are a troll reading this, we are a large company with a very good reputation that we will protect. We will come after you, so move along and do something good with your day. There are lots of charities that need help. I can provide you with a list of ones we support.  

Posted 402 weeks ago